Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 52: Tapas Tuesday

For Amy, for suggesting marshmallows.

It rained last night. A lot. I suspected that Jules the Raccoon might stay inside in the dry attic, but the neighbors tell me that when there was a break in the weather around 7PM, she was out on the roof poking around. Needless to say, she is not trapped (note: I keep switching genders for the poor thing from one blog to the next. It's going to have sexual identity issues to work through one day because of me. I should offer to pay for the therapy.).

It's Tuesday, and Tuesday is for Tapas. For raccoon dining pleasure I offer up the following plate of saltine cracker toppings:
1. Smoked sardines on a bed of chicken skin baked with sage and thyme
2. Vienna sausages finished with a white truffle infused olive oil
3. A broiled lemon topped with honeycomb
4. Peanut butter garnished with a chocolate filled strawberry marshmallow (These were next to the plain marshmallows at the store and the bag wasn't any more expensive. I'm not a big fan of marshmallows, but these are delicious.)

With the Vienna sausages in the mix I think we've got fish, chicken, pork and beef in this meal. Oh dear.

Length of feather: 2 1/2"

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