Friday, September 18, 2015

Honcho Poncho: The Tiny Instagram Donkey

I'm taking a break from the blog. Please peruse the older posts to learn more about some of my favorite painted feathers in the few past years. The blog is a nice archive of some of my past work.

In the meantime, I invite you to follow me on Instagram where I post one new photo each day under the username @elainemaisel. I share my painted feather work every few days, but am focused mostly on sharing the daily adventures of my tiny donkey, Honcho Poncho.

Honcho Poncho sleeps in a little tin matchbox that I keep in my purse or pocket when I travel through my day. When he's with me, I see possibilities and beauty in small things that I might have otherwise missed.

Find all his adventures at #honchoponcho on Instagram, where the hashtag is also occasionally occupied by little dogs named Honcho Poncho, men in camping gear, and a band from Seattle by the same name.

Cheers, y'all.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Three years have passed

I use bent paperclips to hang my framed feathers at shows. This is one of the paper clips my father bent for me at the Daphne Jubilee, October 2012, a few weeks before he passed away. He took the time to straighten them out, rather than turning them with the simple twist I use. He wasn't feeling well that day....grouchy and stiff and frustrated....and frustrating.... There was more love and support in his actions than i felt or realized at the time. I think of him each time I have a show and come across one of his paper clips, and I was thinking of him today, as the anniversary of his passing three years ago nears. Love you, Dad.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Buck Humperdink

Buck Humperdink is especially fond of stinky French cheeses and Earl Grey tea with cream and sugar. 

Feather: Chicken feather from a pet that lives in Ocean Springs, MS
Length: 2"

Friday, May 22, 2015

Mr. Brinks

My husband fell in love with this little bird, so we kept him. 
He hangs in our kitchen above the knife block. 

Size: 3x3" Frame
Feather: Domestic Turkey

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I sell on Etsy. My activity there is small compared to sales though my own website, in local galleries like the Mississippi Craft Center, and at arts festivals like the Mississippi Craft Show. Even though Etsy is a big, huge rambling site that has, in many ways, jumped the shark, I enjoy connecting with individuals customers from across the country and around the world. These conversations usually come up when people place gift orders and custom requests that include special instructions. I've traveled a lot and lived in several places as well, so there aren't many degrees of separation between places I've experienced and the shipping addresses I enter.

Monday, May 18, 2015

simple, but not easy

One of the radio programs that I listen to each week, either live through public radio or on-demand as a podcast is On Being with Krista Tippett. I always come away with new perspectives about myself and the world. Accompanying the podcast is a blog that includes articles by different contributing authors. I have long been fascinated by fractals and the title of yesterday's post caught my eye: 

The Fractal Moment: An Invitation to Begin Again by Sharon Salzberg 

The short piece is about letting go, but the paragraph the really resonated with me was this:
"In actuality, meditation is simple, but not easy: you rest your attention on something like the breath in order to stay present, and, as thoughts carry you away, you begin again an incalculable number of times. That is why meditation is a practice. It is this practice of training one’s attention that makes meditation so powerful."
Everything we do can be be broken down into simple principles, and everything is improved with mindful practice. Every unseen gesture, every small decision contributes to the whole. Each small act is simple, but not necessarily easy. Practice. 

Size: 8" long
Feather: Domestic Goose, from a small farm in Pennsylvania 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tim and Jenny

Wedding present commissioned for Tim and Jenny by a friend who plays viola in the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra. 

Feather: Domestic turkey
Size: 14" long

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Dark Doodle

My heart is with my Uncle Jon today. <3

Feather: Dyed domestic turkey
Size: about 1x1"

Friday, January 16, 2015

Another Penny Moth

It's Friday again. This week flew by. Far too short. Far too small. 
There is so much I want to accomplish this year, most of my plans being long-term, large projects that will take months or even a few years to complete.  I'm working on breaking it all down into small parts with daily progress that will all add up in the end, but still feel like time is flying with so much yet to do. Sitting down on Sunday and creating a list for the whole week that assigns three main tasks to complete each day is helping tremendously. I still have to deal with other things that come up each day, but checking those three primary things off the list each day is helping me feel like I'm making progress. It keeps me on track.

Feather: Pheasant

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Shiver Me Timbers

This is Chew. She is a brilliant mechanic and captain of her ship, with a tendency to mindlessly chew on her wooden peg legs when she's deep in contemplation. 

Feather: Mississippi Wild Turkey
Size: About 1 x 1"

Monday, January 12, 2015

In Support of CARA

I was at Wild Birds Unlimited of Jackson, MS as the artist in residence for their Cat Café that was on Oct. 10, 2014 to support CARA, a no-kill animal shelter here. The framed feather I completed was auctioned off later than evening. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

DIY Lighting Idea. Nice!

I'm constantly working on improving my photography, though I'm not willing to spend a lot on professional gear. This video is concise, with clear examples and good ideas. I wasn't aware of high temperature spray paint before I watched this; It gets the gears in my mind turning.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

This Bird Means Business

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday season. 
This bird is ready to get back to business. 

Feather: Domestic turkey
Size: 2x3" frame