For my mom.
This is a portrait of the owl living in my parents’ yard in Montrose, Alabama. They live right on Mobile bay
and there are several wonderful old live oaks on the property (photo below). The owl
sometimes swoops through the trees in the evenings. Mom and dad have collected
and enjoyed owl art since they married in 1969, making the resident owl even
more appreciated. When I was very young and we lived in Ohio, we once came back
from vacation to find a baby owl perched on a curtain rod in the living room.
Birds and bats would occasionally find their way down the chimney and into the
house. We always did well to open the front door, turn off the lights in the
house, turn on the porch light and encouraged our guests out with brooms (with
a bit of squealing and giggling when our winged visitors came swooping towards
us). Those evenings of bird and bat corralling are such great childhood
memories. I’ve got so many rich and wonderful memories from my childhood that I
could fill pages with them, but because I’m keeping each blog post to a
paragraph, I’ll save them for later. Even though I’m sometimes impatient and
angry, I am so grateful and proud of you for how I was raised. Mom and dad,
thank you.
Length of feather: 2 1/2”